Thursday, February 19, 2009

what a day for a daydream! what a day for a day dreamin boy!

i love the lyrics of lots of old tunes. just finished re reading the old man and the sea by ernest hemingway. i'm still working down my book list. also doing some reading regarding dorothy parker poet, author and playwright. she is credited with a vast number of witticisms including men never make passes at girls who wear glasses. also she wrote the big blonde which of course would be a subject near and dear to my heart, having spent the majority of my adult life as a blonde. now a reformed brunette. i dearly love photography and photoshop elements. the collage above has a combo of some of my own material and some stock stuff.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

one day each week i spend with both my grandbabies, while mary is at school. this semester it's wednesdays. today we spent at home, mady is getting over the flu but aden is fine. it was a cloudy blustery day and while mady napped aden and i took a quilt outside under the tall pine trees and laid on our backs and looked up into the trees to the cloudy skies and counted pine cones. the birds were noisy and aden loved that. we found a wee fairy mushroom but the fairies had left before we arrived. it was a sweet and magical moment that as I approach the big 50 i cherish more and more.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


This is a totally new situation for me, each night as I poke around the internet, I find all sorts of new and interesting things and decided maybe online journaling of sorts would be fun.

These first two photos are of my grandchildren.

Aden is 2 and Mady is 7 months old. They are the children of my daughter Mary and her husband Nick Van De Ven. My son, Jeremy has yet to be captured by some female type and so far has not married nor had children.

As I approach my 50th birthday I find myself in an interesting set of circumstances that I often wonder could possibly be understood or even experienced by other fabulous 50ers.